Regional Partners
This project would not have been possible without the extensive support and collaboration from the following local partners who contributed their time, ideas, and energy into the project:
Bonavista-Trinity Regional Chamber of Commerce
Sir William Ford Coaker Heritage Foundation
We would also like to extend our many thanks to these local organizations and individuals who provided support, services, and time to help with the project:
- The members of the former Clarenville-Bonavista Regional Council
- 2 Rooms Art Gallery
- Ability Employment Corporation
- Bonavista Historic Townscape Foundation
- Boreal Diner
- Strat Canning
- Champney’s West Heritage Group
- Chantal and Mark Dickson
- Greg Dominaux, NL Office of Public Engagement
- Fisher’s Loft Inn
- Bob Gammon
- Johanna Ryan Guy
- Patricia Hewitt
- Barry Pearce
- Random Age-Friendly Communities
- Rising Tide Theatre
- Paul Tilley
- Town of Come-by-Chance
- Town of Sunnyside
Funding & Support
The project team gratefully acknowledge the financial and in-kind support of the following organizations which made this project possible:
Memorial University Office of Public Engagement: Accelerator Fund
Amount: $10,000 (2015-2016)
Newfoundland and Labrador Office of Public Engagement: Collaboration Incentive Fund
Amount: $10,000 (2015-2016)
Collaborative Applied Research in Economics (CARE)
Amount: $10,000 (ongoing)
Leslie Harris Centre of Regional Policy and Development
Special thanks: Dr. Rob Greenwood, Cathy Newhook, Bojan Furst
Telos Brabant Centre for Sustainable
Development – Tilburg, Netherlands
Special thanks: Dr. John Dagevos
Too Big To Ignore –
Global Partnership for Small-Scale Fisheries Research
Special thanks: Dr. Ratana Chuenpagdee, Vesna Kerezi, Miguel Lorenzi
Environmental Policy Institute – Grenfell Campus
Special thanks: Nadia Simmons, Myron King
College of the North Atlantic
Special thanks: Paul Tilley (Clarenville campus), Jamie Best (Bonavista campus)